Friday, June 6, 2008

Good Morning, All!

Life is seen from different perspectives as one "moves" along their personal timeline on the planet. At 18 looking down that imagined continuum of years that stretch w-a-y ahead until it disappeared into the distant future, seemed to be so very long. I couldn't see the end thus there was no end. Did you have that forever feeling in your soul as well? I had youth on my side which enhances that boldness of eternity, infinity.
I now have slid along those years and as reality goes I have more behind me than in front of me. Some days that simple fact bugs the heck out of me. I feel too human. Too tied to this definite life. Too mad to think of not being here. Darn it!! I don't want to leave. You know, I have a lot to do and I am clinging to every day like a mad woman!
But then I shake myself and remember I am here to be me. Just me. Not a stone monument that is crafted to stand the test of hundreds of years. A permanent fixture. I am part of the tide of humanity that keeps our civilization evolving. Improving. Loving. Colorful. Surprising. And that tide changes with the different lives swept into its bold current.
Truth be told: I want to be here as long as the good Lord is willing. I love waking up every morning, right here. I have shared that with Him and with His blessing I will keep doing just that, blending my energy with all of yours....with the promise of tomorrows flowing towards that unseen future.