Saturday, February 14, 2009

A True Gemini -- Whatever That Means

I was in our hall bathroom last week and for whatever reason took notice that the outside doorknob was a copper color and the inside was silver. Obvious reason was that all the knobs on the "hall" side are the former, and the later is because all of the bathroom features are chrome. Makes total sense.

But what struck me was how it was a metaphor of the dicotomy of my sense of self. Because my astrological sign is the twins (*I must insert some contractual "small print' here that I am NO student nor have ANY knowledge about this subject. Really NOT my thing), I have always used it as an excuse. If I said something that was quote "out of character" then I would shrug my shoulders, get an oops expression on my face and blame my evil twin for what just came out of my mouth or for my unanticipated or unappreciated action. It got me off the hook more than once, let me tell you, because the person would laugh and let their initial reaction go.

When redecorating even I have beautiful taste, and I really do, I find myself in a quandry over fabrics and styles because there exists inside this body two opposing opinions to deal with constantly. Do I want something shamelessly classic and elegant.....or something fun and funky and free? Does the gorgeous Queen Anne desk appeal? But won't the assymetrial glass table with chunky stone supports do just as well for that same purpose? I am picky about colors but both sides of me totally agreed on the tones and hues that I adore. Whew!! Thank heavens.

And clothes. I LOVE the classic pieces, simple clean lines. Add some fabulous garnishes like a scarf, jewelry and cute shoes...and off you go!! Then every once in a while I will bring home something vampy or really trendy or artsy (thinking how TERRIFIC I look) and my husband raises an eyebrow and questions not only my selection but my sanity.

I have said many times to those who know me that if we were all named the same (think of a name--pick a name--Mary, Susie, Lisa, whatever) then it would be a very boring world. Right?? We all need to be inidividuals who add our own spices to the humanity stew to make it colorful. Orginial. Flavorful. Unexpected. So.....what's your special ingredient, all you readers out there?