Saturday, November 27, 2010

Expiration Dates

I went through our medicine cabinet checking expiration dates weeding out the old stuff. I do this periodically. Do you? There's the prerequisite Tylenol and Advil consistently available but I don't buy a lot of over-the-counter varieties until specific types are needed -- cough medicine, cough drops and extra-strength sinus pills for colds.....or antihistimines for fall/spring allergy seasons. That kind of thing. So as a result I only had to pitch two items.

As I was reading labels I started to think about other areas in my life that have encountered finite 'life spans', gone from vibrant and vital to colorless with no pulse. A few friendships came to mind. Those that died were mostly toxic and their death a blessing for my life. A couple of personal dreams faded out over the years. I don't give up easily so those were probably the hardest to let go. Store coupons (bet you didn't see this one coming!!). The ones I really wanted to take advantage of and the dates came and went...UGH. Food. You think you'll use that soup or that package of Stove Top Stuffing with no problem but it never quite sounds good enough when you're whipping up dinner so it continues to sit on the pantry shelf. Gift certificates. Don't you hate that when it happens?!#*! Especially when the object of the free offer is a wonderful restaurant or store, offering some of your favorite things.

I guess expiration dates have different meanings depending on the context. They are good when their information protects the health of your family, sad when you have to realize there's no hope in certain situations, and irritating when something is misplaced or forgotten.

Lives, relationships, goals that are colorful and important and interesting and challenging, that bring laughter and learning and uniqueness and depth never lose their flavor or go out-of-date whether you interact with those elements daily or hardly ever. Doesn't matter. Those extra-special threads that run through your life's tapestry exclusively depicting your story will never become useless. Expendable. The truly important will never fade. And that kind of insurance is the very best kind, don't you agree?

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Child is Growing Up

I remember saying multiple times, "I don't want to be mature. I don't want to have to think like a grown up." You have to understand I had beautiful manners and I knew very well what was expected of me...and I delivered as expected, I might add. But there are days where you just want to be carefree and throw convention aside. Who makes up the rules anyway?

Our child is now at that stage where much is demanded of him now. Job interviews. Behavior befitting a student networking with professors and other professionals. Parental expectations.

My husband and I looked wide-eyed at each other several times lately when the perverbial lightbulb has definitely glowed ever so brightly. Oh, my! 'He is growing up!' our silent communication hums between the two of us. YYYAAAHHHOOOO!!

All the hours, the sweat, the worry, the stress, the hope, the lectures, the examples, the mentoring, the village, the family, the love, the hugs, the praise, the church, the yelling, the clapping, the trust, the prayers are embedded in a handsome, fun, big-hearted, well-schooled young gentleman.

And his parents are mighty glad he's theirs.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wedding Rings

I'm asked the proper protocol for wearing wedding and engagement rings often.

The bridal guides and etiquette books will tell you the wedding ring should be 'closest to your heart'. Thus during the ceremony you should slip your engagement ring onto your right hand and your groom will slide the wedding ring on your now bare left at the appropriate moment.

This tradition perhaps (I really have no clue) started when only bands were exchanged.

I, for one, have followed my own perspective. When my boyfriend asked me to marry him and presented me with his engagement ring, I was a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y thrilled. Not only was he telling me he loved me but he was pledging to spend his life with me. That is such a monumental declaration. I accepted his proposal and proudly wore the symbol of his promise.

During the exchange of vows I bowed to convention and had a bare ring finger on my left hand. But after we left the sanctuary, I re-arranged my rings by stacking my engagement ring THEN wedding ring on my hand. It felt good to wear the two pieces in the order in which they were given. The wedding ring sealed our new status as a husband and wife, topping the first ring which was his initial gift.

It's interesting to watch the ladies faces as we talk about it. Some reflect surprise, some doubt and others agreement. I'll keep spreading my theory -- the converts will come!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Freedom to Vote

I loved going to the polls yesterday. I voted after work and when I got there all of the machines (about 12) were busy. Two of my friends were working at the precinct sign-in desk. One told me there had been at least an 80% turn-out. I was thrilled at that impressive figure. Being an active participant during that long day so intrinsic to our American tradition would definitely give you an interesting perspective.

The high school in our community has the entire senior class volunteer as poll workers fulfilling a requirement of their class curriculum. Great hands-on opportunity. Brings the democratic concept to life. Should give them a new sense of appreciation for this liberty they have been given.

Say a daily prayer that our elected officials heed the Lord's voice. There is a plan filled with wisdom and guidance -- His plan. It does exist. All one has to do is listen which, in concept, is so simple. Yet we humans have a real problem with that listening 'thing', don't we??