Saturday, October 10, 2009

Night Sounds

No, I don't mean the comforting tune of the whistle cutting through the thin,crisp fall air from the late night train speeding on the tracks near your home.

No, I don't mean the sound of the tires careening around the corner on a car driven by the neighborhood teenager desperate to get home before his (or her) midnight curfew.

And, no, I don't mean the approaching airplane arching its flight pattern in a path directly over your roof to position itself for its final approach.....and you could swear by the sound barrier being broken that the pilot's true intention is to land his baby on the street in front of your house AND destroy your hearing at the same time.

What I am talking about is when you crawl in bed, turn out the light, nestle down under your covers creating that perfect cocoon you'll inhabit for the next few hours and then... =WHOA= This incredible cacophony explodes in your head. Your eyes fly open. Immediately you realize there's not going to be any rest in your oh-so-cozy little sanctuary of soft sheets and puffy pillows until the brain slows down all the messages that are zipping round and back and forth and in and out between your ears. It's LOUD. Wild. Crazy. Mad-den-ing.

Concentrate the next time this happens to you. Really listen to all the layers of noises. What you do you sense? What can you pick up? Mine are whizzing high-pitched electronic noises like radar or maybe animal communications ( you know ~ like bats send to one another). And then others sound like speeding after-work-drive-time-freeway-car-and-truck traffic. I can distinguish patterns and sequences and rhythms ~ Oh, my!! Can you? Hey~Don't you roll your eyes. (i saw you...) You might as well listen and analyze. You're awake anyway, right?

Best advice for getting to sleep? Become the alpha dog. Be firm. Tell that brain of yours it's time to be quiet and go to bed. (Lean on all those experiences from babysitting, your own kids, your husband/partner, roommate, neighbor.......whatever.) And Remember: You are in charge. As soon as that gray matter knows you are waiting and your patience has a limit the intensity will lessen and the level will drop. Promise.

C'mon now. (nudge, nudge) Just try it. I'm telling you it will work. Betcha ya that quarter (read 10-27-08's entry).

(*** Please leave me a comment below -- I love to hear from all of you!)