Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Nevers in My Life

I find the word 'never' to be a dangerous one. I rarely use it because of it's broad reaching ramifications. Just one time, one choice, one slip erases the right to use it. But for now, I can honestly claim this list still to be in the 'N' column of my life.

Never had an affair. (32 years and still in love...)

Never did drugs.

Never had a major operation. (I don't think tonsil extraction counts.)

Never broke a bone.

Never been to Russia, Italy, Egypt or Scotland.

Never passed out.

Never worn a cast.

Never lived out-of-state.

A few I hope to change. Most I hope never do.

1 comment:

realmaplesyrup said...

That's a good point about the "N" word. I try really hard to not use it as well. But sometimes its a good thing. Other times you have the power to change the outcome. Interesting little facts I learned about you too. ;)