Monday, April 25, 2011

Ode to Sanity

took a shower tonight.
turned the pressure up and
let the spray beat on
my back.
stood still while
the hot water ran over my shoulders
then down to my toes
like a fluid, thermal blanket.
best therapy on the planet
this person could choose.
stayed so long
the hot water tank emptied.
that was a first.
some would say i wasted
others, water.
i say both are wrong.
best shower.


realmaplesyrup said...

sometimes the white noise of a shower is needed to drown out the static of the world. Mine is usually cut short with little knocks wondering what I am doing...after bedtime mind you :) I say enjoy every silent moment of it now that you can!

Diana said...

early in the morning I leash up Bailey and take a silent stroll around my community. The gulls are talking to each other, a juvenile 'gator occasionally 'squeeks'( I'm in my FL home currently That's when I re-boot my brain. Yesterday I had a particularly wonderful glad-to-be-alive momemt when a lone flamingo took flight some 300 ft over my head. Bliss

Brown and Serve said...

The next time I go to a hotel I'm taking an hour and a half long shower. Why? Because the hot water never runs out! Can't wait!