Monday, August 17, 2009

Favorite Quotes

I kept a daily diary on our son for the first two years of his life. From then through middle school I wrote frequently just not everyday. The high school years were busy and I made notes of the special times and signs of maturity that had begun to peek through adding hope and senses of accomplishment to his progress.

This gift of ours has given us endless days of laughter and frustration. Pride and humility. Stress and joy. What most parents experience . Here are some sparkling examples of how he has enriched our days and made it all worthwhile.

"You know Christ the Lord is Jesus' nickname."

"Great. My mother is losing her mind." (This after he asked me is I remember something that he was trying to explain which supposedly had happened some time in the past and I had NO idea what he was talking about.)

"That's the Civil War. Lots of Americans fought there and lots died. They went up to heaven and turned into angels and one got to be the Tooth Fairy." (A TV commercial promoting a new Civil War documentary caught his attention.)

"That's just the way the world works. (I made the observation that he was playing with a boy he was very angry with the day before.)

"Because it takes too much of my energies to think of it."(when asked by his dad why he couldn't hit the baseball each time it was tossed to him at age 5.)

What a hoot. Made it all worthwhile.

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