Monday, October 12, 2009

And What About Squeezed-Up Sleeves??

Still building on that very tempting 'grab-the-brass-ring-grant-idea' I have a second area of study. I personally cannot stand loose, baggy cuffs around my wrists. Can you? Sweaters, blouses, T-shirts, jackets, whatever. Anything long-sleeved MUST fit nice and snug.

Thus most of my clothes get pushed up my arms to bunch around my elbows either due to age of the garment (loss of elasticity in the material) or its construction. Kind of gives me that cool preppy look and gets that sloppy material out of my way. In fact as I type this entry my sweatshirt cuffs were folded back once before I shoved them up my forearms. Hint: that fold makes a secured band for the weight of the material to rest against so it doesn't fall or collapse back down as quickly. Kind of a physical anti-gravity thing. If only my high school physics teacher Mr. Drinkhouse could see me now. He would be so proud. (psst - back up NOW coz the lightening bolt is on its way.)

Wow. Come to think of it this phenomenon could turn into a two-fold study. On the one hand a sociological one of the demographic kind and on the other a psychological one where we analyzed any phobias or personal issues which may have caused this trait tot begin with in the first place. You know. Like this could be a symptom of rebelling against the establishment rules such as having-to-always-having-to-keep-your-room-clean-while-growing-up or those 'you-must-be-clean-plater' statements made nightly at the supper table. That kind of stuff. OH! OH! And what if it went full circle, so to speak, where these findings and statistics fed back into the Loud Night Noise Study shedding even more light on possible causes of that condition. I don't know about you but my mind is just being blown away by what this all could mean for the entire world-at-large. And possibly...just possibly...there might be a Presidential Medal of Honor for Contributions to the Betterment of Mankind waiting out there for me when all these findings are published and hailed as 'brilliant' and 'enlightening'. Perhaps even 'unparalleled'. (bravo, mes amis! caught my tongue in cheek tone, have you?)

Seems to me this calls for TWO different grant applications. Let's do the math: Two studies. Twice the money. Thus the real issue is why the heck am I sitting here typing on this keyboard when I could be raking in the BIG bucks...and building a trophy case for all the fancy hardware bound to come this way. I just love hand engraving, don't you?

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