Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ripples -- My Legacy

I decided long ago, after much thought and prayer, that I was like a stone that is tossed into a still pond. At the spot where the rock enters the surface ripples extend out in numerous concentric circles into the body of water. Each day I am "tossed" and new ripples are born. That's my legacy. I had a friend tell me that her husband always knows when she is talking to me on the phone because she laughs during the conversation. What a great compliment....and a great ripple. Recently two associates told me my methods of quiet diplomacy were appreciated in our workplace. Another ripple. Every choice makes an impression. Our love and our opinions and our service to others....ripples. A phone call made, a card sent, a note written, a hand held, a voice heard. Ripples.

We are not all destined to cure cancer or be the President or be a Hollywood star. Most of us are chosen to be strong, flexible, sturdy threads that hold the fabric of life together. I think of the analogy of a spider's web. The innate strength of that gracefully intricate silk creation is so awesome. You can poke it. Blow on it. Spray it. But only way to break it is to absolutely crush it. And when that happens....the spider begins to weave anew. Undaunted. I hope this blog is a ripple you can feel from me in your life everyday and that the personal power you hold within your soul is shared with those you touch in your own pond. Be strong. Be positive. Never give in.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Perfect Job

We had Chinese for dinner. I like the fortune cookies that are always included. Tend to horde them for myself. I read the sentence printed on the little sliver of white paper. I read it a second time. (It's NOT a good sign when you have to do that, ya know?) This was the message: "The face of nature reflects all of life's ups and downs." HUH?? What the heck does THAT mean? I pondered it for a second or two -- another bad sign, the "pondering" thing -- and became totally annoyed. So the little slip was inhumanely crumpled up and tossed in the wastebasket.

I want that job. Writing quotes for fortune cookies. You can stay in your jammies all day long, plop your fuzzy bunny-slippered feet on the desktop, drink your Pepsi, listen to great music and make up all kinds of esoteric junk. AND GET PAID!!!!!!!! I should have told my parents I wanted to major in journalism in college. Think of how proud they would have been to have a daughter whose insightful wisdoms would have been known throughout the civilized world. Every continent. Every country. Plus "job security". Maybe I should make a career change now. I am confident I could do very well. Very well indeed. Hmmmm. Maybe I should ponder that a bit.....

My son introduced me to this website and I am telling you it makes me happy. Well, that was sure easy you're saying to yourself right now (Yes, I can hear all of you expressing your opinions and rolling your eyes at my expression of simplistic harmony.) And speaking of will hear loads of it on this website.

All right, what Pandora provides you is the ability to construct your own play lists (aka "radio stations") of artists who have similar musical styles. I have nine stations now and enjoy every one. You will type in an artist--say.....Faith Hill--and along with Faith you will hear Martina McBride, and Carrie Underwood and Keith Urban. Perhaps you are a Sarah Brightman fan. Then along with her you would enjoy Josh Groban, Michael Crawford, Enya, etc. Add a gospel group, some jazz favorite, a little John Mayer or Bon Jovi. You even have editing abilities to delete a song selection!

The best part? Just minimize the screen after you log on and you have this fabulous personal ambiance surrounding your space while you make dinner, cuddle with your dog , check your email or .... write your blog!!

PS Have you notice the time that is published with each entry? There seems to be a 4 hour lag time. But I have to tell you that it really is 4:05AM as I'm tapping this old keyboard. Hey, I had a lot of work to do so I was determined to stay up and finish the pile. My reward?? I should say it's the "satisfaction of completing my tasks" but in reality I told myself I got to write my Wednesday entry. Hmmm...some chocolate probably would have done the trick as well....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Composing Your "REMEMBER" List

Ok, so we all have "To Do" lists and we are constantly adding to the "Places I Want to Go" list and there's the "Books I Want to Read/Movies I Want to See" list and don't forget the "Things to Pack for Vacation" list (which of course works in reverse and becomes the "Things Not to Forget" list for the trip home). OH! And I have a "Gift" list which has morphed into a bulging file folder filled with ideas for family and friends.

But my personal favorite...and most important in my humble my REMEMBER list. These are the essentials to never forget in my future. Number One: NEVER impose your taste on others. I know you, too, have been in situations when you have received one or two or ten(!) themed gifts that the giver seems to truly believe you need/should have/want. An example?? How about the Christmas ornament you open from your Aunt Helen every year with some sort of Elvis theme because she heard the last few words of a conversation where you said, " Elvis." What she doesn't realize is that you were saying, "Hey, look!!!! Doesn't this potato's shape look like Elvis?" And after you received the first five you decided that you didn't have the heart to hurt poor Aunt Helen's feelings so after your family has a good laugh at this year's choice you toss it in the trash. Good thing the aunt lives in East Overshoe, Montana, and never comes to visit at the holidays so there never has to be an embarrassing "I can't wait to see your tree covered in all those glorious ornaments I have so lovingly sent you" moments. (Yep, that's what we all strive for at the holidays....NO STRESS. NO GUILT.

Number Two is to stay close to my son and his family-to-be. (Whenever-that-happens. No-rush.)
Number Three is not to be a nuisance but let them know we are available to babysit so we can have time with the kids and give my son and his wife alone-time.
Number Four is to be gracious and a lady.
Number Five is not to be an old crabby fuddy-duddy.
Number Six is to stay current in movies and music and fashion styles. (I don't care if I am 103, I want my great-great grandkids to DEMAND to be around me 'cause I'm so much darn fun!!)

My list will continue to length with sincere intentions. Have I inspired you to start yours?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Wives and Mothers -- You can Relate!!

I have composed a list of all the talents those two roles embody. Try and imagine what a WANT AD would look like or how a RECIPE would read with all of these. (Now all I need to do is write a song --like Anita Renfroe's Mom Song-- that everyone could smile to!!)

*clock *refreshment stand *entertainment center *first aid station *office/school supply store *cleaning crew *concierge *personal assistant *scheduler *logistics director *handyman *holiday/party planner *cheerleader *volunteer/organizer *dictionary/thesaurus *chauffeur *storyteller *entertainer *nurse *disciplinarian *mentor *24/7 hug and kisser *personal shopper *editor *artist *maid *therapist *muse *teacher *school project coordinator *gardener *bank *chef/baker *calender *trash can *magnet (Here, Mom/Honey, hold this...) *seamstress *travel agent *handyman/toolbox *artist *photographer *banker *shoulder-to-cry-on *"sponge"/listener *mind reader *advocate *office manager *PARTNER to your husband *PARENT for your children

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I Love Digitals!

Let's see:
I love my cell phone.
(I love to text on my cell phone.)
I love to use the DVR.
(I love the convenience of watching shows I recorded on the DVR.)
I love my wireless laptop.
(I love surfing the internet's vast resource base on the computer.)
I love to burn CD's.
(I love to listen to them at home and in the car.)

Life is good!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Roots are what we are literally handed when we are delivered into this world. Our life threads join the ages-old tapestry that has been woven with all the adventures, successes, risks, tribulations, choices, honor, faith, humor and love from every single member of our family who has gone before. These rich histories are what we cling to. What we claim.

Every single inch of that ancient weaving are the tenacious anchors that hold our collective souls together. There is a vivid and exciting spirit that eternally whispers the message to our souls, "You belong". We can even dare to ask that witness of the past to share the wisdoms learned. In the silence the lessons will be taught. In a quiet moment just settled back and close your eyes....and listen....and feel. Gather all of the strength, charity, graciousness, integrity, intelligence offered. Then stand proudly on the shoulders of those who have led the way and add your colors and textures to the cloth.

My son is in the last remaining days of his teen years. Throughout his life we have instilled the concept of WHO he came from and the STRENGTH those folks exhibited in their lives that now has been passed on to him. The thought that his own decisions and zest and energy are being added to the family tapestry probably hasn't even occurred to him. But when he does grasp that singular truth, he will realize the he has become the next intregal layer for future generations. (....Just maybe he will accept what his wonderful mother constantly reminds him: "You have to be good no matter where you go because you never know who you might run into or who might see you." We ALL know that happens, don't we? And a secret NEVER stays a secret, does it?)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I'm Baa-aack!

First of all, I have really missed not writing my little blurp. I sincerely missed all of YOU. Our mother board got fried while I was in Chicago but now the new personally built computer is up and running. I am thrilled...except for that fact that our internet/phone bundle has not be up for a whole 24 hour period since last Wednesday (UGH!). We are experiencing a lot of "outages in your area" (a direct quote from the folks at TimeWarner who are quite nice whether they be in Wisconsin, Delaware or the Phillipines....Yes, I ask....and know me on a first name basis. NO JOKE.
So since I don't know how much time I have before it bleeps back off again, I just want to give you the best darn song that you are to IMMEDIATELY google and listen to NOW. Type in: anita renfro mom song. Click on the YouTube listing and be prepared to laugh, nod your head in agreement, hear your own self in her lyrics and have your email list at the ready to forward this onto. Weren't you listening??? What are you waiting for??!? GO!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

You Look Just Like....

I have heard that ALL my life. I look like someone's neighbor's daughter's friend or a niece or a girl in their high school class or the cashier at their grocery store or, well, you get the picture. People come up to me and start sincere conversations based on their observations. I've met alot of nice people that way and they have made me smile. And I have to say that I often remark that I have noticed two people who are unrelated and do not know each other carry a striking resemblance that is hard to ignore. Some say that each of us has a twin somewhere on the planet. I believe that could be a definite possibility. (One last note --Funny but I never hear, "Wow!! You look just like that Victoria Secret model. You know!!? The beautiful brunette in the TV commercial wearing the wings!!" Hmmmmm....)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why Women Have Hips --a List

What would you add?

* to carry school books
* to carry laundry baskets
* to carry children
* to carry groceries
* to carry a child AND a bag of groceries
* to close drawers
* to close car doors
* to balance a lamp on the right one, while picking up a moving box to carry with your left arm
* to lug bags of mulch to the various flowerbeds around the yard
* to keep the back door open so that your hands are free to give hugs while scooting children & dog (...and perhaps the husband) inside the house

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The First "Teaser" as Promised

The storyline for this book has been growing on paper since 2005. I have challenged myself to dedicate time everyday to get this story from brain to hard copy before year's end. Here is just a peak into the world that my heroine must navigate to insure the future of the life precious to her and those she loves:
"She slipped out of her tent soundless as a wood elf, making her way unobserved to the large outcropping of boulders jutting from the edge of the forest that encircled the right flank of the encampment. She perched on the highest vantage point bending her knees, gathering them close to her chest and resting her chin on top. She hugged her legs as she gazed up at the rich, black velvet heavenly ceiling spread above her. The twinkling stars seemed to multiply even as she watched. She felt totally insignificant. "You sparkle at me in the night just as the countless campfires burn around me. Why do we fight? For some the challenge comes from the desire to be rich -- merchants sponging off the need of warriors' preparations, solders hoping for royal favors in the victorious aftermath. Religion calls to some who are called to fulfill holy destinies. Others are simply loyal to the king and that is enough to offer their service. And, always, there are those who enjoy the sight of seeing another warrior slump to the ground at their feet -- broken, sightless, lifeless. Death is a constant all must acknowledge. May the soldiers chosen to be in its gathering path on the morrow be remembered as devoting their spirits and last noble efforts to finally destroying this subversive, festering evil which has slithered through our land fed by devouring, raw greed."