Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pulling an All-Nighter

Wow. What memories this brings back. Staying up all night. I remember in college it was a desperate necessity. Tonight it is a gift. A gift of time. My desk stack that needed attention now is demanding attention. Pronto. In fact it is downright SCREAMING. How do these little "things" collect? Gather? Congregate? Magazines that have interesting articles. Websites scribbled down you want to check out. Letters to write. A shared DVD from a neighbor. Addresses that need entered in your book. The answer is of the multiple choice variety. Pick one: A. By ignoring B. By letting them C. Your daily schedule doesn't allow for them D. All of the above

Ok, which one did you pick? Mine? It was definitely D. Thus I decided not to do A, not to allow B, and do the opposite of C. I am maturely taking responsibility and firmly grasping my destiny. I am embracing each item that found itself not immediately tossed out and/or refused but was, almost unconciously so, brushed into THE PILE. I have put my foot down and quite responsibly, I might add, not allowing any further growth. (Kind of like rabbits, you know? You start out with 2 then WHAM before you know it there are 150 !!)

I like challenging myself to meet my lofty goal. So far I'm wide-eyed and bushy tailed. And, best of all, I am plowing through the eclectic collection of goodies. The desk already looks cleaner. Almost empty. My husband is going to lay his hand on my forehead to check my temperature. (Always a good idea to catch 'em off guard every once in a while with a little surprise.) Just you wait. He'll probably nose around a bit out of pure curiosity and, perhaps, a little dose of doubt, to see if I didn't scoop it all into a drawer. Or hide it under the bed. Or stuff it in a closet. Funny. I hadn't considered the closet option before. Hmmmm.......