Chicago and flying. Can't wait to experience both next week. Been to the town countless times. Each opportunity leads to new discoveries. The hum, the museums, the neighborhoods, the energy, the flow of this city lures me to return time and time again. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.
The Art Institute is pure magic. A must stop for this girl EVERY time. Each gallery absorbs my senses. I saunter past priceless masterpieces, lingering to capture a glimpse of the artist's soul revealed through the clues their creation whispers. Many, many hours have witnessed my passion for the treasures housed within those walls.
I truly appreciate the engineering feat constructed from an elongated, metal tube with two long, nearly flat appendages and some massive whirly-gigs that easily transports me anywhere, saving hours on the road and creating personal catch-up space. Instead of having to pay attention to traffic, I get to relax and immerse myself in the last few issues of Smithsonian that have been collecting in a stack at home, waiting for my attention. But, best of all, I am the passenger hoping to claim a window seat during each opportunity for sky passage. I cannot tell you how I look forward to the immeasurable delight the view from that small , transparent square bestows on my spirit. The majestic canvas created by the incredible tapestry of colorful landscape patterns flowing beneath this observer is a visual experience freely given, sharing a rare panorama of the innate beauty of the greatest country on earth to any and all who accept the gift.