Yep. That's how my husband broached the subject of having a baby. We were driving down to Myrtle Beach and we had just gone throught the kink on I-77 in North Carolina continuing south. We had been married ten years and had decided early on we would not have children. We would spoil our nieces and nephews and be a career-oriented couple. You can picture the look on my face, I'm sure. Sort of the mixture of "Who are you and what have you done with my husband?" and "Are you crazy??!?" Well, I went along with the program and in about fifteen minutes we had a name. Morgan (because we both liked it) Margaret (after his very special paternal grandmother). The surprising part was with our last name starting with an S not every first name flows well with it and we made short work of finding . I, of course, was thrilled with her would-be monogram knowing it would look classic. Clean. Plus I knew what my nickname for her would be: M&M's. Perfect for a chocoholic's daughter, don't you think!! The boy's name, on the other hand, took us 14 months to choose. (The cool part of that was that he has grown up to like his name. He has shun every nickname I have ever tried to hang on him.)
I loved being pregnant. Really and truly I did. I had never felt healthier. I ate well. Never, not for one second, felt nauseous. I was just tickled to be carrying this new life inside of me.
Had some bumps along the way with the standard tests given at certain weeks. Even got a call from my OB/GYN on a Friday night to give me the results. After I shook off the shock that hit me I had enough wits about me to ask him one question: If I was his wife what would he tell me to do. He gave his answer after asking me one question to answer first. My husband and I accepted his advice deciding not to have further testing done. With God's hand that recommendation was sound and we did not regret our response to the doctor's essential inquiry.
I was put to 'sofa' rest (after a promise made and some gentle persuation ~ the bed rest was driving me crazy!) with 7 weeks to go. How long I had been have labor pains I will never know. I just chalked up the little pains and twinges to indigestion or just regularly expected pregnancy 'stuff'. Oops!! Guess this naive mother-to-be thought she was just doing fine and dandy and had no need to bother anyone. My husband was traveling 4 days a week so the dog kept me company, my grandmother called every afternoon to check on me, the postman was especially attentive helping me any way he could (wasn't that nice??), friends brought meals. Life was good as long as I did what I was supposed to do.
The day we became parents started early for me. I woke up at 3:15am and I remember thinking I should change my sleeping position from my back to my side. As soon as I did I had this instantaneous flash that I had to get to the bathroom. FAST. Don't think about it. Just move. I listened to my instinct and I was just sitting down when my water broke. The first thought that shattered my brain? I was going to be a mother. Today. TODAY!! Life would never be the same. Ever. And I have been so thankful for every single day.