Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Perfect Job

We had Chinese for dinner. I like the fortune cookies that are always included. Tend to horde them for myself. I read the sentence printed on the little sliver of white paper. I read it a second time. (It's NOT a good sign when you have to do that, ya know?) This was the message: "The face of nature reflects all of life's ups and downs." HUH?? What the heck does THAT mean? I pondered it for a second or two -- another bad sign, the "pondering" thing -- and became totally annoyed. So the little slip was inhumanely crumpled up and tossed in the wastebasket.

I want that job. Writing quotes for fortune cookies. You can stay in your jammies all day long, plop your fuzzy bunny-slippered feet on the desktop, drink your Pepsi, listen to great music and make up all kinds of esoteric junk. AND GET PAID!!!!!!!! I should have told my parents I wanted to major in journalism in college. Think of how proud they would have been to have a daughter whose insightful wisdoms would have been known throughout the civilized world. Every continent. Every country. Plus "job security". Maybe I should make a career change now. I am confident I could do very well. Very well indeed. Hmmmm. Maybe I should ponder that a bit.....

My son introduced me to this website and I am telling you it makes me happy. Well, that was sure easy you're saying to yourself right now (Yes, I can hear all of you expressing your opinions and rolling your eyes at my expression of simplistic harmony.) And speaking of will hear loads of it on this website.

All right, what Pandora provides you is the ability to construct your own play lists (aka "radio stations") of artists who have similar musical styles. I have nine stations now and enjoy every one. You will type in an artist--say.....Faith Hill--and along with Faith you will hear Martina McBride, and Carrie Underwood and Keith Urban. Perhaps you are a Sarah Brightman fan. Then along with her you would enjoy Josh Groban, Michael Crawford, Enya, etc. Add a gospel group, some jazz favorite, a little John Mayer or Bon Jovi. You even have editing abilities to delete a song selection!

The best part? Just minimize the screen after you log on and you have this fabulous personal ambiance surrounding your space while you make dinner, cuddle with your dog , check your email or .... write your blog!!

PS Have you notice the time that is published with each entry? There seems to be a 4 hour lag time. But I have to tell you that it really is 4:05AM as I'm tapping this old keyboard. Hey, I had a lot of work to do so I was determined to stay up and finish the pile. My reward?? I should say it's the "satisfaction of completing my tasks" but in reality I told myself I got to write my Wednesday entry. Hmmm...some chocolate probably would have done the trick as well....