Monday, October 27, 2008

I'll Bet You A Quarter That....

I'm going to share a personal secret with you: If I ever say that to you DO NOT take the bet. I will win. No doubt. No margin for error. It is carved in stone. As you know, the bragging rights and the pride of besting someone are so much more important than the bet itself so the quarter is a minor detail. But I don't lose my quarters no matter how insignificant they may seem to you.

I was ironing this weekend providing the perfect opportunity to let my mind wander. I began to review my life over the last five years. What was so startlingly evident was the about-face changes I had made....180's where,without question, I would have lost my quarters. Here are a few.

I would have called you *!*CRAZY*# if you would have bet me that I would attend the contemporary church service instead of the traditional. I have always loved the comfort of being led to-about-the-same-pew every Sunday morning by an usher you knew, following the predictable pattern of the service, listening to the sermon from the lectern, having the choirs share music, the congregation singing the wonderful old hymns. More often now I sit in a folding chair, listen to a band, read the words off a screen for the songs we sing. I have found for me it's good to shake the old cobwebs out of our spiritual life. (Psst! I will admit I do have to slip back into the sanctuary every once in a while to get my hymn-fix. Love those beautiful melodies.)

Me?? Exercise??? Let along join a gym!?? Now think. Remember me in gym class? I was the one who did not want to be there. Had no interest in jumping over the gymnastics horse or trying to stand on my head or getting sweaty and having (yes, it was enforced) to take that stupid shower before going to the next period. My hand put out to accept your quarter was a sure thing. Yet here I am three times a week (at least) riding the bike, doing the treadmill, going through my routine on the machines. And absolutely loving it. Very scary.

How many times I have scoffed at the colors of brown and green used for interior decoration. Couldn't even stand the thought. I grew up in the 60's and "Early American" was popular. Eagles, browns, oranges, greens and heavily napped carpeting. UGH. But forty years later I have discovered a rich, elegant tone of Taupe that is makes-my-teeth-hurt incredibly gorgeous to me and Sage Greens-quiet, calming shades that have poked a hole in that "Eck!! Green!" bubble I had erected.

Drink diet pop? I'd rather cut off my arm first. The after-taste was enough to make me forget my thirst. Now? Give me that Diet Dr.Pepper. I am not kidding you. Pure and simple: I am addicted.

Make my living in sales?? You are insane??!? Talk about make-my-skin-crawl-go-hide-in-my-closet-no-I-will-not-you-can't-make-me absolute abhorance. I hated selling Girl Scout cookies. Dreaded the community canvas Donut Sale for my high school band. Knocked on doors in my neighborhood selling annual subscriptions to our local paper. Every time I drug my feet to the houses on my street and posed the perverbial question in my own special way: "You don't want to buy (cookies, subscription or donuts), do you? Everyone always answered "Why yes!I've been expecting you!" in a most joyous manner. (gag) And here I am collecting a paycheck, looking forward to each day, interacting with my customers and the goals I set for myself.

Think about your own life changes. There have been a few, haven't there? Some shockers even. Ones you never thought would happen. Probably will be some more before your life is over. (Hmmm) I just betcha.....