Actually the inspiration for this concept literally popped into my brain as I was listening to a friend describe her recent move to a new house. After immediately sharing my thought with her we both started laughing because it's TRUE!
Roll with me here for a second: Most of us have dressed in siblings' hand-me-down clothes or fun thrift store bargains which someone else wore; we move into a house someone else moved out of; we buy a used car someone else drove; we acquire an RV someone else used; etc etc etc (this is where you add your ideas...)
Now take the leap and picture this: It's like watching the crabs on Bowman's Beach. One crab dashes across the sand to a bigger hole previously dug by a fellow crustacean but no longer wanted. Another crab leaves its current shell 'home' and scrambles into an empty larger shell, taking possession by squatter's rights. The now newly abandoned smaller hole and shell get claimed quickly by two brand new tenants willing to take advantage of these unexpected opportunities. Right?
So let's review! Basically these creatures are all dashing around trying to: 1. make their lives better; 2. find more room, and, 3. get good deals.
Sound familiar?