Monday, April 12, 2010


I am blessed with low blood pressure. Not dangerous-to-my-health low. I have an energy level that sets my friends heads to wagging. It's at that perfect level to juggle family (members~in town and beyond), job, going to the gym, volunteering, writing, church, studying, house and yard work, friends, writing, college kid, errands, appointments, reading, laundry, socializing, ironing, checking emails/Facebook, writing, taking classes, researching websites of interest, baking, catching a movie, passing tests, planning some time away, washing cars & car maintanance, cleaning out closets, burning CD's, praying, writing, being neighborly, taking evening walks with hubby, furniture/carpet shopping.......

Heck, this list makes my head spin. But not my blood pressure!! No sirree! The stubbornness this chick was born with is paying off in a big girl way. I am partnering my independent spirit with what is naturally occurring. Some people count to ten when they get upset. Some people scream and shout. I just don't want 'stuff' to overpower my composure. I want to possess that control over my own body. So my secret weapon is one word: Exhale. It's like pressing that rattling gauge on the top of a hot pressure cooker. Or poking a little teeny weeny hole in an inflated balloon. Ever so slowly the tension drops and all is back to normal again. Just three easy steps: close your eyes; inhale; exhale. Repeat. Feel all the angst slip out of your body? Ahhhhhhhhh.

Figure out what works for you. The best part: you will enjoy less lines and wrinkles as well!. With your genes (nothing you can do about them anyway) and gorgeous sunny days (sunscreen helps but sometimes those rays are just calling your name...) and children (your choice, remember? Crazy you!! Ha!) you will have volumes of opportunities to get some of the above without any effort on your part anyway. Absolutely free! At no cost to you!

So here's my challenge to you: stick your hand right in the mix and see what you can do to slow Mother Nature down a bit. And for those of you that all ready know -- Please share your tried-and-true trick below with the rest of us so we can benefit from your experience!