Easter baskets were a big thing with my family when I was growing up. They were hid inside the house every year so no matter if it was snowing, raining or bright and sunny the hunt was on! We each had multiple baskets -- some small, some large. Each was filled with some candy or a small gift and a sprinkling of jelly beans always topped them off.
I have been a chocolate lover since I left the womb yet I must confess that when I spotted those yellow sugar coated marshmallow birds nestled in the green grass every year I was a very happy girl. More like thrilled. I challenged myself to make those confections stre-ee-ee-tch out for as long as I possibly could. That was really, really hard for me. So I would tell myself the wait was worth it. Why? Because the longer the birds sat out uncovered the chewier they got. And, oh, how I paced myself to allow them to reach that perfect moment, you know, when they were just passed that "instantly dissolve on the tongue" stage but before the "hard enough to bounce off the floor" plateau. Like I said. Perfection.
I'm going to the grocery tonight. Hmmmm. It's hard to control that cart sometimes and it can be quite stubborn. Maybe it will make up its mind to take a little stroll down the candy aisle. I wouldn't be surprised if one of those little boxes of 6 connected-at-the-hip gaggle of birdies will take flight and land right inside that rolling basket as it slows down just a little, tiny bit....