We hadn't been able to take a full week away from the city for over two years. With many thanks to the One Above we took a week and headed south to our favorite spot on the planet for our fifth time. Each of us were thrilled to our toes for months just savoring what was to come. Sun. Waves. Shallow tidal pools. Gulf breeze. Shells. Uncomplicated. Quiet. Quirky. Tropical. All parts of the equation that sum up to Sanibel. "What?", you say, "Florida in August?? Are you out of your minds?"
I must admit that question has been posed to us in person several times and here is my answer: It's hot here. It's hot there. You have air conditioning here. There's AC and a 24/7 breeze there. You wear sunscreen here. We wear sunscreen there. You have lots of people here. There are NO crowds there. You walk for exercise in a gym or in your neighborhood here. We walk 5 to 8 miles a day on an expanse of sandy beach that is breathtaking. You pick up your kids dirty clothes and toys here. We reach for whelks, conchs, olives, tulips, lions paws, sea urchins, sand dollars....twice a day there. You yell at the crows squawking in your yard here. We laugh at the antics of the seabirds, gulls, and pelicans there. You watch the neighbors' dog run through your yard (one more time) here. We stand in awe of the dolphins five feet away as they frolic in the surf there. You discover trash thrown in your front yard from teenagers tossing away evidence. We discover Gofer tortoises, baby sea turtles, manna rays and blue crabs literally crossing our paths there. (The son actually saw one of the islands gators out-n-about on a West Gulf Drive sidewalk but it had slipped into a marshy spot by the time we got the car turned around.) Hmmm. Which place won? 'Here' or 'there'?
We ate at some of our old favorites like Island Cow, Cheeburger Cheeburger and the Bubble Room. And discovered new ones ~ the Over Easy Cafe, Matzaluna, plus took the Lady Chadwick to Cabbage Key for a cheeseburger (of Jimmy Buffet's 'Cheeseburger in Paradise' song fame). We scoured the antique store for the first time and strolled through wonderful boutiques at Periwinkle Place and Tangiers Outlet Mall added some great finds on the mainland side of the causeway. We stopped to shop several times for groceries at Baileys, the family owned and operated grocery store on Tarpon Bay. It is wonderfully small (no football field-long aisles here), comfortable and filled with friendly employees.
We stayed at our favorite place. Off the beaten path. Perfectly located for beach access. All I need other than a wonderful bed, a great shower, and clean floors? Some quietly whooshing ceiling fans, a screened-in lanai, a well equipped kitchen, three tv's (perfect for different tastes in entertainment -- reality, sports, comedies/movies -- everyone is happy, n'est pas?), and the absence of bugs or creepy crawly things. All of the above were in place. All of us were satisfied.
So once again after 7 days we had gotten our souls renewed yet were sad to say goodbye. Guess that's a good thing, isn't it. Best sign you could hope for. Can't wait for visit number six. Anticipation is always part of the joy. Exhaling is always part of the blessing.