Creativity. Can happen anytime. Any place. Such as a kitchen counter at 11:32 pm on a Tuesday night. (Hint Hint) And, yes, I have to admit I am feeling a teeny-weeny bit proud of myself at the moment. Plus I can't wait to share it with all of you!
Remember the window treatment tip I gave you (refer back to 4-28-09)?? Well if you loved that one you'll be thrilled about this one!! See what you think: I needed to replace the batteries in a clock. Took it out to the kitchen. Went to the drawer where I keep all the new batteries. Grabbed two AA's and put them on the counter beside the clock. Slid open the bottom panel, removed the dead cells and laid them on the counter as well. I stood looking at the four batteries lying in close proximity to each other ~ all four of which happened to be labeled exactly the same. I would bet that each of us has experienced this quandary at least once....maybe twice truth be told....or even three (confessed totally under extreme conditions of duress, of course)...wondering which was which, the old versus the new.
Lucky for me I did know. Whew. But I decided I didn't want to experience that pang of angst again. ** FLASHING LIGHT BULB IN-THE-BRAIN TIME** (You are gonna love this. You are going to embrace this. Really!! Prepare to be amazed.) This incredible idea spurred me to carry the clock and panel into the bathroom. Selected one of my favorite nail polish shades ~ OPI's You're Such a Kabuki Queen. Very hot. Very pink. Perfect for summer bare-toe days. Oops! Sorry. Back to the subject at hand. (Focus, girl. Focus.) I put a dot of the polish on the two new cells. Voila! Problem solved. I can now just pop these out in the future when they are dead and it won't matter if I drop them in the wastebasket right away before reaching for new ones or if the new and old get mixed up. Any confusion will be eliminated by placing this designation on the fresh ones after installation.
Logical. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it? Hey! Why don't you try it? Go and mark the batteries in use around you right now with nail polish, spray paint, whatever is permanent and handy. I sure do like 'easy'. Don't you?