When I was working at the flower shop I was initially hired as a designer then moved to the position of a phone order taker during non-holiday periods then was put in charge of all store displays/all Christmas themes -- usually 16 to 18)/all inventory back-stock. I was also a buyer and LOVED our trips to Atlanta (staying at the Ritz and sipping a virgin Strawberry daiquiri at 11pm were two salves for the 10 hour days spent on my feet) and Dallas (savoring a steak at Bob's Restaurant) to expand our giftware and store merchandise.
We had two very large storerooms for all the extra items not displayed in the shop's layout. My office was near them. (I actually reorganized the largest one all by myself and I had to be familiar with all the various lines to be able to find them for my display purposes.) Not a week went by without a harried saleslady rushing up to my desk desperately asking me where "such and such" was because it just wasn't there and a customer needed one right now!!! I would immediately assume my soothing "it will be all right" voice and escort them back into the stockroom and proceed down the row of shelves where the lost item should reside. I would listen to their frustrated rant as they explained they had done all they possibly could do to locate the missing gift item and how-could-it-not-be-there-and-what-stupid-person-put-it-somewhere-else-and.... I would calmly nod my head to communicate my bonding with their situation and tell them I agreed the search and placement were constant constraints considering all of the merchandise we carried. Then I would share my coup de gras that always caught them unawares. "Now I know this is very upsetting but let me tell you what I always remind myself of in these situations. Don't lose your focus. You know the item is here. I will be happy to be another pair of eyes because we must remember the Lord's advice."
Well, that always grabbed their attention the first time they heard me say that! The lady would look at me with a sort of wide-eyed quizzical expression and wonder what was coming next. "I know this is not a direct quote from the Bible but in my own words when I am in a pickle and feel myself getting uptight I remember the advice God shared with his followers ...."Just keep looking" (you know-- wandering through the desert for 40 years, the three wise men following the star, etc etc). Their initial facial reaction could be read as either "WHAT??!?" or "HUH!!?!". Then they would giggle and relax when what I said sunk in and we would find the box of whatever they needed tucked behind something else or on the floor underneath or somewhere close by. The salesclerk was then smiling when she returned to the customer, her treasure hunt successful and having enjoyed the support of a fellow employee.
So just repeat this phrase, one of my little Julie-isms, whenever you need to in your life. Please feel free to share it with folks (especially your children to keep YOU calm). And don't be surprised to hear these six words repeated back to you during the next adventure of searching for socks....or shoes....or their little brother....