I came up with those very personal words and started to sign my letters with that phrase because I truly feel that is where I have been given the grace to live. I love the raw power of the symbol of the rainbow. This glorious magic of nature was named as God's visual sign of the promise He made to Noah that he would never destroy the earth again. Think about that every time you see those vivid bands of color arched across the sky....in the spray of the hose or sprinkler....or in the pounding cascades of Niagara Falls. Isn't it funny that each and every one you see still makes you stop and comment and point it out to someone close by? Why is that? I thought we were just cynical human beings who are bored and complain and take such beauty for granted.
Not so, is it. We are delighted by the exquisite, vibrant miracle that seemingly "appears" so unexpectedly. We react with such free child-like excitement when one is spotted. Never relinquish that gift of forever love. Never remove yourself from dwelling under His incredible eternal protection. So from me to you "From under the rainbow with love" have a fantastic day.