I looked aghast at the television set Monday night when President Obama closed his press conference with "Thanks, you guys" and left the podium. I looked at my husband and said, "Did I just hear him correctly? Did he actually say "you guys??" "You heard what I heard" he responded.
I am sorry. Call me a fuddy-duddy. I DO NOT care. But for the President of the United States to end a nationally televised gathering in the East Room with that kind of salutation was pathetic. I understand that he and his wife have decided to be "transparent" and "down to earth" but really...... Don't insult my intelligence. And don't act like your my buddy on the bowling team, either.
Whether you are a clerk in a store, the gentleman who collects the garbage, the neighborhood paper boy or a corporate executive. Manners are manners. Expectations are allowed to be expectations. Break the culture down and you end up with broken "culture". Right? (Hey!!Maybe I should print some bumper stickers with that message!!)
So keep getting out the good china and teach your children how to use it. (I have had several conversations about a table set with sterling flatware. Best advice? "Always work from the outside in" AND subtly watch those seated around you for cues as well.) Make your family dress up for special occasions. Take them to nice restaurants so everyone can practice what they have learned. Good manners are always recognized and appreciated no matter where you are on the planet, no matter who you are with, no matter the age range in the people who surround you. Potential employers, customers, professors, neighbors ~~ALL are impressed with beautifully executed habits.
Oh! The next time a server at your favorite eating establishment welcomes you and your girlfriend with "How are you guys today?" kindly look at them with a beautiful smile and quietly, yet politely, point out that you are indeed two very lovely ladies. Their face will reflect their surprise and they will quickly agree with you. And I bet you this subtle lesson will remain with them when they wait on ladies in the future. How do I know this?? Hmmmmmm. Let's just say I speak from personal experience.......