Yesterday afternoon found my mind revisiting a situation that happened to me two years ago. Totally out of the blue this woman burst back into my mind, wrapped up in all the pent-up, frustration of what I DIDN"T say to her then. Boy, I sure wish I had verbally layed her out standing there in that beautiful, tropical hotel lobby when I had THE perfect chance, with me having every right on the planet to be as furious as I was. (Rats. I hate it when I am mature and act like a lady. )
All of a sudden this incredible dialogue eloquently listing all of her indiscretions came flowing out of my mouth. Literally. Out loud. The phrasing, my voice modulation, the subtle use of emotion. Man, I was so smooooooth. Proud of myself? Absolutely. Eloquent? Better than Lincoln. And my audience? Thoroughly appreciative. Awestruck would be an even more descriptive term.
My performance was ever so persuasive with just the right touch of emotion quietly punctuating my masterful presentation.....especially when heard by the best friend a girl could have. The perfect listener and critic. The bathroom wall.
The same confidante that has been there for me through thick and thin, good and bad. Always sympathetic, forever on my side. Never has it betrayed me. Never has it let on to all of the secrets it has heard. Oh, the stories it could repeat, the juicy blackmail material. I am ever so grateful that it cannot.