Friday, February 13, 2009


My husband and I were giggling the other night over what we would carve on our tombstones. I have been to many a cemetery. Civil War battlefields, National Cemeteries, family plots. I have read lots and lots of stones and lots and lots of memorials. So I have a collection of mental references for styles and shapes and messages left for eternity.

I always wanted to build a mausolium. How cool would that be? Like the above ground New Orleans grave sites. Personal statements. My other half wasn't interested in that concept. Rats! So now I have switched my focus to the wording I want to leave behind.

"I told you I wasn't feeling well" was what the husband of a coworker jokingly determined he wanted. "Waiting...." was the only word on a stone for a lady (and I am in awe of her message -- every wish, every emotion, total faith all in those seven letters).

Now me?? With my sense of humor? "What happened??!?" would appeal. Or "What are you looking at?". "Everything is a choice" would fit with my philosophy of life. How about "Now I get to eat all the chocolate I want...and you can't!!"

Think about your legacy in stone. I'm still contemplating the possibilities. My poor husband. If my path is to follow his....then he's got no chance, does he?