Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Composing Your "REMEMBER" List

Ok, so we all have "To Do" lists and we are constantly adding to the "Places I Want to Go" list and there's the "Books I Want to Read/Movies I Want to See" list and don't forget the "Things to Pack for Vacation" list (which of course works in reverse and becomes the "Things Not to Forget" list for the trip home). OH! And I have a "Gift" list which has morphed into a bulging file folder filled with ideas for family and friends.

But my personal favorite...and most important in my humble opinion....is my REMEMBER list. These are the essentials to never forget in my future. Number One: NEVER impose your taste on others. I know you, too, have been in situations when you have received one or two or ten(!) themed gifts that the giver seems to truly believe you need/should have/want. An example?? How about the Christmas ornament you open from your Aunt Helen every year with some sort of Elvis theme because she heard the last few words of a conversation where you said, ".....like Elvis." What she doesn't realize is that you were saying, "Hey, look!!!! Doesn't this potato's shape look like Elvis?" And after you received the first five you decided that you didn't have the heart to hurt poor Aunt Helen's feelings so after your family has a good laugh at this year's choice you toss it in the trash. Good thing the aunt lives in East Overshoe, Montana, and never comes to visit at the holidays so there never has to be an embarrassing "I can't wait to see your tree covered in all those glorious ornaments I have so lovingly sent you" moments. (Yep, that's what we all strive for at the holidays....NO STRESS. NO GUILT.

Number Two is to stay close to my son and his family-to-be. (Whenever-that-happens. No-rush.)
Number Three is not to be a nuisance but let them know we are available to babysit so we can have time with the kids and give my son and his wife alone-time.
Number Four is to be gracious and a lady.
Number Five is not to be an old crabby fuddy-duddy.
Number Six is to stay current in movies and music and fashion styles. (I don't care if I am 103, I want my great-great grandkids to DEMAND to be around me 'cause I'm so much darn fun!!)

My list will continue to length with sincere intentions. Have I inspired you to start yours?