Were you as frustrated by the commentators for this tournament led by Johnny Miller as I was?? I cannot tell you how many times I wanted to push that whole bunch right over the side of one of those oceanside cliffs. They were mouthy, condescending, critical, AND pretentious. HEY! Guess what guys?? Your obnoxious behavior was pathetic and spoke volumes of your seemingly obvious envy for one golfer in particular.
It is so easy for some to sit in front of a camera or stroll the course carrying a microphone. Who among us can seriously belittle the game of Tiger Woods. Seriously. This man is truly amazing. Talk about a role model for all ages.
Let's examine his pro's and con's to make sure that I am being impartial about this sports figure.
PRO'S: plays injured, focused, honed his talents, practices, determined, gives back to the community, good father, good husband, professional, diplomatic, well spoken, businessman, great sense of humor, respectful, loves his mother, misses his father, intelligent, gentleman, humble.... Ok, I'll stop now.
CON'S: wins too much?? usually wears black and red on the final day?? Hmmm....guess that's all I can think of....
(Pssst! What's on your list?)