During his Palm Sunday sermon yesterday our pastor, Dave Bogue, referenced the book of Daniel several times. I remembered the story of Daniel surviving the lions den and his three friends walking out of the blazing hot furnace but not much else.
This morning I pulled out my new Life Application Study Bible and turned to Daniel located in the Old Testament. This edition fascinates me because of all the referenced historical and biblical background material provided at the bottom of each page. Did you realize Daniel, his three friends as well as all of the other prisoners chosen after Nebuchadnezzar defeated Jerusalem, had to walk over 500 miles to reach Babylon? I didn't. Intrigued I started reading this testament to pure faith. No artificial veneer. No false pretenses. They trusted beyond all measure, resolving to hold on to their integrity, discipline and belief in the Lord no matter the earthly cost.
Made me reflect, not just by staring in the mirror but looking deep down inside into who I am. I pray. I listen. I ask for guidance. Wisdom. Answers. Bring people and situations before God when my heart is heavy, as well as in celebration. I say 'thank you' as often as I can, don't you? (I know I'd like to hear the appreciation if I were He.) Keep the Golden Rule in front of me at all times.
But not enough. That is the bottom line I had to truthfully face. I could do more. Do it better.
I am in awe of these four men who did not bend their values, were respected by their earthly king and saved because it by their heavenly father. If ever I am tested to those extremes, I do pray that I will be able to walk steadfastly in the shoes of those gone before me, serving as another example of discipleship with unfailing trust, a full heart and unwavering love.