The Body. What an incredible invention. It has been around for thousands of years and has taken humanity much a part of that timeframe to even figure out how it all works, let alone replicate the pieces/parts. There is no patent on this machine. No one has ever stolen the pattern or the mold in order to reproduce it as a cheaper rate or to make a fortune or to create competition.
Think about it. This collection of tubes, screws, liquids, motors, chemicals, filters, wires, electricity, rubber bands, plumbing fixtures all covered in a shell of canvas and fur is beyond the realm of incredible. It is the stuff of pure fantasy.
Wow. This apparatus does it all. Walks. Talks. Sees. Thinks. Communicates. Laughs. Cries. On an on. It breaks down on the inside and is injured on the outside. It gets broken. It wears out.
It stiffens, swells, expands. It stretches and shrinks. It turns colors like brown, red, black&blue. It gets spots. It itches. It burns. It gets invaded. It can kill or repel alien intruders.
It is fine-tuned through a miraculous titsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny microscopic architectural blueprint that is so far past mind boggling that comprehension is surpassed. This intricate recipe allows the appliance to heal itself. Inside and out. To reproduce. To have talent. To make this planet a better place.
Ah. Did you catch it? The concept. This invention wasn't created to be static like a robotic automaton. This machine was blessed with endless possibilities. Are you taking advantage of yours? Respect and be awestruck by what you "are". Orchestrate your gifts and make a difference to the other machines that surround yours.