So what do YOU do when you are driving along and you are mentally making a list of "stuff" you want to remember? One or two things suddenly become a collection as more ideas float in there and your stomach starts to get that cramped feeling (or your head starts to reel from overload). AHHHH!!! What if you don't remember every single detail AND you panic thinking the one ... or two ... you forget might be the most important of all!!?!
My solution: Julie Sentances. What are those you say? (Didn't think I could hear that, did you? And, by the way, I saw your eyes rolling as well. Remember I am a mother and we can see and hear everything.) Here's an honest-t0-goodness example that happened to me last week.: As I was driving my car filled to the brim with yard waste (twigs, boxwood trimmings, pulled weeds, etc etc) out to our community's composting site, I was deluged (yes, deluged, I say!) with this streaming one-after-the-other, very important not-to-be-forgotten errands, customer ideas, necessary web research, etc, etc, and I didn't have paper or a writing instrument. Did I start to sweat or shake? NEVER!! (yeah, right) I took one word from each item and made a sentance. I will share the beautiful prose, if I may say so myself, that I repeated to myself until I got home. Ready?
Here goes: Matt's diamond dogwood eats purple oats while Jan reads treadmills. Made perfect sense to me!! The interpretation? I called my computer guy; wrote a note to a customer that his wife saw a cross she likes; called an older couple, who I haven't seen in a while and live out of town, ostensively to ask about their pink dogwood (I have a white one and we compare notes every spring) but really just wanted to hear how they were faring; cut out the material (matches the new window coverings in the bedroom) to sew the matching chest runner; went to the garden center and to buy Northern Sea Oats to plant in front of our brand new gas meter that was installed by the front door last Tuesday (don't ask--that's fodder for a future blog); wrote 4 letters; started to write promotional materials for my part-time boss; read a 15-page paper my son wrote; went to the gym. Whew! and Woo-hoo! Done and Done.