The storyline for this book has been growing on paper since 2005. I have challenged myself to dedicate time everyday to get this story from brain to hard copy before year's end. Here is just a peak into the world that my heroine must navigate to insure the future of the life precious to her and those she loves:
"She slipped out of her tent soundless as a wood elf, making her way unobserved to the large outcropping of boulders jutting from the edge of the forest that encircled the right flank of the encampment. She perched on the highest vantage point bending her knees, gathering them close to her chest and resting her chin on top. She hugged her legs as she gazed up at the rich, black velvet heavenly ceiling spread above her. The twinkling stars seemed to multiply even as she watched. She felt totally insignificant. "You sparkle at me in the night just as the countless campfires burn around me. Why do we fight? For some the challenge comes from the desire to be rich -- merchants sponging off the need of warriors' preparations, solders hoping for royal favors in the victorious aftermath. Religion calls to some who are called to fulfill holy destinies. Others are simply loyal to the king and that is enough to offer their service. And, always, there are those who enjoy the sight of seeing another warrior slump to the ground at their feet -- broken, sightless, lifeless. Death is a constant all must acknowledge. May the soldiers chosen to be in its gathering path on the morrow be remembered as devoting their spirits and last noble efforts to finally destroying this subversive, festering evil which has slithered through our land fed by devouring, raw greed."