Just the sound of it causes you to lift your nose a bit higher while e-nun-ci-a-ting every syllable with your finest faux aristocratic British accent.
Now say it. Outloud. Pro-pen-si-ty.
Did you stick your chin up just a tad? Good. Now...raise one eyebrow ever so slightly (no, both simply will not do -- you want to look slightly superior, not surprised) as you dispense this fine piece of vocabulary while sharing an observation, dare I use the word 'judgement' (oops, I meant 'personal opinion'...) about someone you know. For instance: "Well! His propensity for alcohol certainly hasn't helped his weight problem any." OR "Without question you know her cholesterol would drop if she didn't indulge her propensity for chocolate so much!" (Hey! I heard that! Were you talking about me??)
Bravo! You did a fine job. Now practice the subtleties of the eyebrow thing. OH! And perhaps add a bit of the rolling of the eyes. Yes! That's it. By Jove, now you've got it!