I like being me. At this stage of the life game I feel confident, at ease with who I am. I've developed my own style, have goals to reach, love my family. I am excited to get up each day and dig my hands and my spirit into making my dreams come true.
But I will confess there are "things" I will never do in this lifetime. (Right here I feel the need to add the word "probably" before "never" in the last sentence...maybe it the litigative (Oh, a new word coined by me right this moment!! Like it??) times we live in right now. You know--better add the small print so the possibility of being sued is erased or at the very least, lessened. This post might come back to haunt me some day in the near or distant future since I wrote the word, never. But I'm pretty sure these items are NOT included my goals or preferences or the I-have-to-do-this-before-I-leave-the-planet list.)
Hot stewed tomatoes and corn mixed in one bowl is number one. Just typing that makes the hair on my arms stand straight up. Yep, worse torture than bamboo under the fingernails for this girl. Used to want to parachute. Not so much now. The urge has gone. Bungee jumping also holds absolutely no appeal. For me at the end when the person has reached the length of the tether and is still bobbing up and down until the elastic tension is exhausted -- is like being at the top of the ferris wheel when the operator stops the rotation and the bucket you are sitting in rocks ever so slightly back and forth. And I sit there frozen to my spot demanding that anyone who is with me better not move, breathe or flinch (not so much as a hair) under the penalty of death. Nope, not for me. And the ferris wheel? Not going to happen again, either.
Sushi also comes to mind. "Raw" when in reference to fish doesn't do much for me. Kind of like the concept of raw hamburger or chicken. Yet I eat raw vegetables and fruits (including the rare slice of potato my mother allowed during my childhood. Those weren't good for you. Remember?) And when we would go to this marvelous family-owned German meat market I enjoyed the uncooked hot dog offered by the butcher. Oh, yeah. That was me. Right on the edge, baby. Taking chances.
My tastes have definitely changed over the years. And that's a good thing. I believe that reflects flexibility and the excitement of experimenting and stretching yourself. No, I don't mean stupid stuff like illegal crap or making choices that could harm yourself or others. What I mean is feeling the ability to break out of the old habits and restrictions whether those are self-imposed or the priorities of others thrust upon you.
Guess the one word that sums it all up for me is "freedom". Try it. Good ahead. Right now. Don't wait. Don't hesitate. How about that crazy, new flavor of ice cream that's been calling your name or grab dinner at that new trendy bistro everyone is talking about or pack your bags and head off to Paris or Rome or the Pyramids?? Or all three!! Feels really good, doesn't it? And you can quote me on that....but just don't sue me. Please.