Now the flip side. What's your YOU problem? Mine? Scenario: We recently changed churches. The people are fabulous -- outgoing, joyful believers; the minister gives the most incredible sermons; we use our Bibles every week; I am learning so much. Now the 'hitch' to this perfect picture for moi is when the folks walk in wearing clothes that look like they slept in them or just mowed their yard or think that ultra-casual is fashion chic. And in their hands they carry a diet Coke or a Starbucks cup. Call me snooty or a stick-in-the-mud or out-of-date... fine with me, I really don't care. When I or anyone else goes to worship the Lord in His house, my belief is that you should wear your best. If that is a pair of jeans, so be it. If that is the same pair of jeans every week, I understand . But that isn't the case here.
My argument: if you were invited to the White House to meet the President or if you were given the opportunity to spend the evening with the president of your company, would you wear your wrinkled-up cargo shorts and a faded Polo shirt? Would you saunter into the West Wing on your way to the Oval Office carrying your favorite latte? Do you think Joseph and Mary strolled into the temple donned in mediocre clothing, carrying a glass of wine taking Jesus to to be blessed? I think not. Yet here are people entering the house of the Most High displaying inappropriate laziness instead of showing the highest respect and awe for the privilege of entering into the presence of the Most High. (small print disclaimer: this is the author's opinion and she takes full credit for it)
I had never shared this with anyone until a friend and I just weeks ago were having a very special conversation, a real heart-to-heart exchanging life-altering situations we each have experienced. When I told her how I felt she totally agreed with me then gave me some very sage advice: Wear what you want. We all will answer to God for our choices. In other words -- shut up and let it go, girl.
So I wear my 'Sunday clothes' and feel good about my choice. And the folks surrounding me wear not-so-Sunday-clothes....and I am at peace. (let's see... I can cross 'Church clothes' off the list....what's next? hmmm...maybe cell phone etiquette.....)
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