As I was reading labels I started to think about other areas in my life that have encountered finite 'life spans', gone from vibrant and vital to colorless with no pulse. A few friendships came to mind. Those that died were mostly toxic and their death a blessing for my life. A couple of personal dreams faded out over the years. I don't give up easily so those were probably the hardest to let go. Store coupons (bet you didn't see this one coming!!). The ones I really wanted to take advantage of and the dates came and went...UGH. Food. You think you'll use that soup or that package of Stove Top Stuffing with no problem but it never quite sounds good enough when you're whipping up dinner so it continues to sit on the pantry shelf. Gift certificates. Don't you hate that when it happens?!#*! Especially when the object of the free offer is a wonderful restaurant or store, offering some of your favorite things.
I guess expiration dates have different meanings depending on the context. They are good when their information protects the health of your family, sad when you have to realize there's no hope in certain situations, and irritating when something is misplaced or forgotten.
Lives, relationships, goals that are colorful and important and interesting and challenging, that bring laughter and learning and uniqueness and depth never lose their flavor or go out-of-date whether you interact with those elements daily or hardly ever. Doesn't matter. Those extra-special threads that run through your life's tapestry exclusively depicting your story will never become useless. Expendable. The truly important will never fade. And that kind of insurance is the very best kind, don't you agree?
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